Main Topics of discussion/interest
COVID-19 Impact
- The general policy position on road works/construction remains unchanged since the previous meeting The previous sector specific construction guidance has been replaced with general guidance for all business and workplaces operating beyond level 0 and can be found here: Coronavirus (COVID-19): safer businesses and workplaces - (
- An SRWC news item on the changes can be found here: Coronavirus (COVID-19): safer businesses and workplaces guidance | Scottish Road Works Commissioner
- The advice in Scotland still encourages home and hybrid working where possible, (e.g. office staff), and reasonable mitigation measures where this is not (e.g. on site).
- RAUC(S) members fed into an SG ‘baseline measures’ exercise, reviewing which COVID-19 measures introduced during their earlier tiered system could be maintained in the medium to long term.
- Roadworks information on shared vehicle use/fleets has been shared with the baseline measure review team. Details on car sharing was reviewed on 09 August 2021
- By law, face coverings must be worn in all indoor public places, including public transport unless an exemption applies.
- Self-isolation rules have relaxed in common with the wider UK. Any person without symptoms, who has a negative PCR test and has received both doses of the vaccination no longer has to self-isolate after contact with a positive case.
Transport Scotland Act (Roadworks Reform)
- An updated batch diagram has been issued for the RAUC Sept 2021 meeting. Changes to note are:
- Confirmed date of increase of SRWC penalty, ‘Red Book’ compliance for roads authorities and the ‘go live’ date for reinstatement guarantee of 01 Oct 2023
- In conjunction with the Scottish Road Work Commissioner, work is underway to plan an information event for senior managers in 2021, given the unexpected delay due to the COVID-19 situation.